make accounting easier – Fresno CPA

3 Ways To Make Accounting Easier

All good business owners know that time is a valuable asset, so you need ways to make accounting easier. Investing copious amounts of time into QuickBooks isn’t always the best option. We’re firm believers that you shouldn’t have to do a lot of data entry style accounting to reap the benefits of great financial information. There are several…

spending company funds – Fresno CPA

Factors To Consider Before Spending Company Funds

We all know that accountants are the backbone of any financially successful business. They help keep both you and your money in check. Keeping that in mind, many people overlook the fact that your accountant sees anything and everything you purchase with company funds. Yes – everyTHING…and everyWHERE. Nothing is more entertaining to me on a Monday than seeing exactly how much fun…

your Controller – Fresno CPA

3 Reasons Why Your Controller Is Stressed Out

Controllers have a reputation for being stressed out, anti-social and negative.  Some think it’s because they deal with numbers and a calculator all day, but it’s much more complicated than that! Consider what your Controller does (or should be doing) for your business before giving them a hard time: 1. One Department To Serve Many Your…

scaling a growing business – Fresno CPA

3 Tricks For Scaling A Growing Business

Has your business grown so much that simple tasks are turning into huge challenges? You might be up against the Law of Diminishing Returns. Here’s what I mean and my top three solutions for scaling a growing business: Scalability – the capacity to be changed in size or scale. The Law of Diminishing Returns – used to refer…

General partnership – Fresno CPA

What is a General Partnership?

A General Partnership is one of the easiest business entity types to create. Why? They require minimal set-up and paperwork as well as maximize your flexibility with businesses structure. The downside to creating a GP is lack of liability protection. As a result, owners may have to pay self-employment taxes on earnings from ordinary income. Explore all…
