qualified opportunity zones – Fresno CPA

Qualified Opportunity Zones

Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) is a new benefit created with the new tax reform legislation and is one of the largest incentives to taxpayers that we’ve seen in a long time. Although fairly complex in terms of timing, they are simple to set up and maintain—absolutely worth the effort in terms of tax savings. (View…

identity theft scams – Fresno CPA

Identity Theft Scams: Protect Yourself!

I recently attended a class held by the IRS which focused on many issues that we face as taxpayers and practitioners but the most alarming was the current epidemic, Identity Theft, and identity theft scams. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. It’s…

identity theft – Fresno CPA

Victim of Identity Theft – What Now?

  There are two common ways you may discover you are a victim of the ever-growing identity theft epidemic. When your tax preparer goes to e-file your tax return, it may get rejected with an error message saying another return has already been filed under your SSN, or you receive a notice from the IRS…
