how to calculate estimated tax payments – Fresno CPA

How to Calculate Estimated Tax Payments

Do you know how to calculate estimated tax payments? You owe quarterly payments if you receive any income from which the tax isn’t already withheld (which is most paychecks). Because the IRS will charge fees for underpayment it’s important to pay the correct amount. Many of our clients use us to help estimate their payments…

vacation rental tax rules – Fresno CPA

Vacation Rental Tax Rules

My grandparents have a vacation house along the coast that they rent to friends and acquaintances from time to time. Like many other property owners, they think it’s a great way to generate a little extra income. While this may be true, people often overlook the vacation rental tax rules that are associated with earning…

major tax changes – Fresno CPA

The Major Tax Changes: An Overview For 2018

The new tax law has dominated political discussion for months and will likely continue to do so well into 2018. Consequences, both intended and otherwise, are still unclear. But for now, these are the big changes for both individuals and companies. In general, the changes to individual provisions expire at the end of 2025, but…

tax planning – Fresno CPA

Video: Year End Tax Planning Seminar

Our year-end tax planning seminar was last month and thanks to our partners with the Institute for Family Business, the video is now available online. Time is running out to make some decisions for 2016 but many strategies will still be available in 2017. Watch the video to find a few that work for your…