financial advice for new parents – Fresno CPA

Financial Advice for New Parents

My wife and I have recently started a family and are completely thrilled over becoming new parents. After coming home from the hospital, we very quickly realized that there are several new financial responsibilities that come with being a parent. We did our due diligence and felt prepared for most of the big changes, but…

hiring your child as an employee – Fresno CPA

Hiring Your Child as an Employee for the Summer

Your teenager needs a summer job and it just so happens that you have some clerical work at the office that needs to be done. Sounds like a perfect match? It might be just that. There may be some cost advantages available if you’re a sole proprietor and considering hiring your child as an employee…

how to calculate estimated tax payments – Fresno CPA

How to Calculate Estimated Tax Payments

Do you know how to calculate estimated tax payments? You owe quarterly payments if you receive any income from which the tax isn’t already withheld (which is most paychecks). Because the IRS will charge fees for underpayment it’s important to pay the correct amount. Many of our clients use us to help estimate their payments…

IRS change of address – Fresno CPA

How to do an IRS Change of Address

Moving houses can be an extremely chaotic, time-consuming experience to say the least. Usually, we’re worried about moving the furniture and switching our cable providers. So, what else is there left to do? You need to let the IRS know that you moved houses and complete an IRS change of address form. First of all,…

tax extension – Fresno CPA

How to File a Tax Extension

It’s 10:00 pm on April 15th and your tax return hasn’t been filed with the IRS. This leaves you with two choices. You can either not do anything about it and suffer the wrath of the IRS, or you can file a one-page tax extension. If you file an extension form, it’ll give you more…

inheriting property – Fresno CPA

Inheriting Vs. Gifting – Is The Inheritance Worth The Wait?

If you think you might be inheriting property in the future, you need to consider the tax implications. The tax implications could be very different depending on whether you choose to receive it as a gift or inheritance. You should consider the inheritance taxes and gift taxes before transferring property. Inheriting property In most cases,…
