limited partnership – Fresno CPA

What is A Limited Partnership Business Entity?

The Limited Partnership (LP) business entity type is an interesting one and is useful in the right situation. To compare and contrast, an LP is valuable because it offers many of the same tax planning benefits as a general partnership or LLC, but also many of the same limited liability protections as a corporation. This post is…

General partnership – Fresno CPA

What is a General Partnership?

A General Partnership is one of the easiest business entity types to create. Why? They require minimal set-up and paperwork as well as maximize your flexibility with businesses structure. The downside to creating a GP is lack of liability protection. As a result, owners may have to pay self-employment taxes on earnings from ordinary income. Explore all…

identity theft – Fresno CPA

Victim of Identity Theft – What Now?

  There are two common ways you may discover you are a victim of the ever-growing identity theft epidemic. When your tax preparer goes to e-file your tax return, it may get rejected with an error message saying another return has already been filed under your SSN, or you receive a notice from the IRS…

vendor negotiation – Fresno CPA

Vendor Negotiation Tips That Pay Big

It’s Monday – Back to Business. Did you prepare for your vendor negotiation meeting?  Something as simple as a vendor contract or customer terms can significantly impact your profits.  If you haven’t mastered this art, consider the following tips before going into a meeting where you need to make a deal: 1. Body Language Be aware of…
